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Fri, Aug 23


Active Generations

"A Little Girl's Journey from Ukraine to the Dakota Territory"

Drawing on the extensive documented Mennonite history, family records, and a host of other resources, Joan and Lisa create a story based on their own family tree. Travel with little Katy and her family in 1874 as they leave their Ukrainian village and journey to the Dakota Territory.

Time & Location

Aug 23, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Active Generations, 2300 W 46th St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105, USA

About the event

Meet the authors, Joan and Lisa Mueller and learn about their journey and process in writing this book about their great-great-grandfather's family. Follow along with the group in 1874 as they travel from the Ukrainian village of Futtor to the Dakota Territory, hear readings from the book, and participate in a question and answer session. 

Call (605) 336 - 6722 to reserve your seat at the presentation. 

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